Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Catch up

Connor and I just got back from NH less than a week ago. My sister flew us up as a suprise for my dad's 50th birthday. We had tons of fun...and we're ready to move back! I'll upload some photos. The foliage was AMAZING and it was so fun to watch Connor play in the leaves with his cousins. We'll have to see about the move. It will depend on where Jason gets a job when he graduates in May.

1 comment:

Super B said...

Hey, I just found your blog through the Cromwells. It was good to see you at the Roadshow. My family actually sat right behind Jason and Connor. My sis in law told me that Connor loved looking at Eve and copying her. He is so cute!
Sounds like you had a fun trip. Are you from NH? Anyhow, take care